Entertainment / Literature / Chiasm: A specific example of chiasmus, see below.
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Science / Biology / Chiasma: The site where the exchange of chromosome segments between homologous chromosomes takes place (crossing-over) (pl.: chiasmata). MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Chiasmus: (from Greek, 'cross' or 'x') A literary scheme in which the author introduces words or concepts in a particular order, then later repeats those terms or similar ones in reversed or backwards order. It MORE
Science / Biology / Suprachiasmic Nucleus (SCN): A region of the hypothalamus that controls internal cycles of endocrine secretion. MORE
Lifestyle / Poetry / Scheme: Figure of speech that varies the order and sound of words. Examples include alliteration, assonance, chiasmus, and rhyme. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Antimetabole: (Greek, 'turning about') A rhetorical scheme involving repetition in reverse order: One should eat to live, not live to eat. Or, 'You like it, it likes you.' The witches in that Scottish play chant, ' MORE