Entertainment / Literature / Biography: (Greek, bios+graphe 'life writing') A non-fictional account of a person's life--usually a celebrity, an important historical figure, or a writer. If a writer uses his or her own life as the basis of a biography, the work is called an autobiography. Contrast with a memoir.
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Entertainment / Literature / Spiritual Autobiography: An autobiography (usually Christian) that focuses on an individual's spiritual growth. The plot is typically chronological in structure, and it usually focuses on inner struggles within the narrator, MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Autobiography: A non-fictional account of a person's life--usually a celebrity, an important historical figure, or a writer--written by that actual person. Contrast with the autobiographical novel, above. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Diary: An informal record of a person's private life and day-to-day thoughts and concerns. Conventionally, daily entries take epistolary form with the introductory phrase, 'Dear Diary.' Since the subject-mat MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Publicity: A type of media text (e.g., an unauthorized biography) that presents information outside the control of the star and his or her representatives. MORE