Entertainment / Liquor / Triple Sec: A highly popular sweetener and flavoring agent in many drinks, triple-sec is the best known form of cura?§ao, a liquer made from the skins of the cura?§ao orange. Cointreau is a high quality brand of triple sec.
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Business / Real Estate / Section(S): As used in the government survey method, a land area of one square mile, or 640 acres. A section is 1/36 of a township, or each township contains 36 sections. Sections are numbered 1 through 36. Secti MORE
Business / Real Estate / Section 8: Federally subsidized housing administered by HUD where the tenant pays up to thirty percent of his or her adjusted monthly income and HUD pays the difference between that amount and the market rent. P MORE
Business / Agriculture / Section 533 Grants: A USDA rural housing rehabilitation program authorized under Section 533 of the Housing Act of 1949. The Rural Housing Service is authorized to make grants to capable organizations for (1) rehabilitat MORE
Business / Agriculture / Section 524 Loans: Land acquisition and development loans authorized under Section 524 of the Housing Act of 1949. Nonprofit organizations and Indian tribes may obtain loans from the Rural Housing Service to purchase an MORE
Technology / Computers / Sector: A section of one track defined with identification markings and an identification number. Most sectors hold 512 bytes of data. MORE
Business / Taxes / Sector Fund: Sector mutual funds, also called specialty or specialized funds, concentrate their investments in a single segment of an industry, such as biotechnology, natural resources, utilities, or regional bank MORE