Entertainment / Liquor / Gin: Gin is basically grain alcohol, mostly corn (75%) with some malted barley (15%) and other grains (10%) thrown in. It is then redistilled with or through juniper berries and botanicals such as coriander seed, cassia bark, orange peels, fennel seeds, anise, caraway, angelica root, inis root, licorice, lemon peel, almonds, cassia bark, cardomann seeds, cinnoman bark, bergomat and cocoa. It is this secondary process that imparts to each gin its particular taste. Most of the gin now produced is London dry, which is clean light, unsweet, and perfect for making for martinis. The Dutch still produce a sweeter, more robust version of their own called Hollands gin, which, while is unsuitable for mixing purposes is drunk neat and cold. Gin does not require aging.
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Business / Human Resources (HR) / National Origin: The country--including those that no longer exist--of one's birth or of one's ancestors' birth. 'National origin' and 'ethnicity' often are used interchangeably, although 'ethnic group' can refer to r MORE
Technology / Computers / Search Engine: This is the working part of a database or application. MORE
Science / Weather / Marginal Visual Flight Rules (MVFR): Refers to the general weather conditions pilots can expect at the surface. MVFR means Minimum or Marginal Visual Flight Rules. MVFR criteria means a ceiling between 1,000 and 3,000 feet and/or 3 to 5 MORE