Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Eastern Conference: The renamed wales conference beginning with the 1993-94 season which contains the atlantic, northeast and southeast divisions.
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Conference Verb Synonyms: meeting, convention, symposium, congress, seminar, forum, colloquium, discussion, talk, colloquy, bull session
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Wales Conference: Was one of the two confrences in the nhl consisting of the patrick and adams divisions until the 1992-93 season; renamed the eastern conference in 1993. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference (ISSC): The federal-state-industry cooperative body which manages the National Shellfish Sanitation Program. MORE
Lifestyle / Coffee / Middle Eastern Coffee: Coffee ground to a powder, sweetened (usually), brought to a boil, and served grounds and all. MORE
Business / Agriculture / United Nations Conference On Trade And Development (UNCTAD): A UN agency that focuses attention on international economic relations and on measures that might be taken by developed countries to accelerate economic development in developing countries. MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Campbell Conference: Was one of the two conferences in the nhl that contained the norris and smythe divisions until 1992-93; renamed the western conference in 1993. MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Western Conference: The renamed cambell conference beginning with the 1993-94 season which contains the central, northwest and pacific divisions. MORE