Entertainment / Golf / Postage Stamp: ('postage stamp green') a green with a particularly small surface area presenting a demanding target
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Stamp Verb Synonyms: brand, label, mark, tag, term, name, style, identify, categorize, classify, characterize, designate, denominate, show to be
Stamp Noun Synonyms: trample, bring down one's foot, tread, step, tramp, stomp (on)
Entertainment / Golf / Postage Stamp: ('postage stamp green') a green with a particularly small surface area presenting a demanding target MORE
Business / Finance / Stamp Duty: All parties that have an interest, financial or otherwise, in a firm-stockholders, creditors, bondholders, employees, customers, management, the community, and the government. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Stamped (Basket): The frame of a loudspeaker which has been stamp pressed to achieve its shape. It is used as a base to mount all the other elements of the driver. With a frame of adequate thickness and strength, this MORE
Business / Agriculture / Net Income (Food Stamps): As relates to the food stamp program, net monthly income is an amount calculated for each food stamp household that, together with its size, effectively determines its food stamp benefit. It is calcul MORE
Business / Agriculture / Household (Foodstamp): A food stamp household is composed of all those who purchase food and prepare meals in common. All related co-residents must apply as a single food stamp household, no matter how they purchase and pre MORE
Business / Agriculture / Food Stamp Act Of 1964: P.L. 88-525 (August 31, 1964) provided permanent legislative authority to the Food Stamp Program, which had been administratively implemented on a pilot basis in 1962. It was later replaced and comple MORE