Entertainment / Football / Pocket: An area on the offensive side of the line of scrimmage, where the offensive linemen attempt to prevent the defensive players from reaching the quarterback during passing plays
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Pocket Adjective Synonyms: pouch, sack, bag, receptacle, reticule, satchel
Pocket Noun Synonyms: cavity, pit, hollow, crater
Health / Pilates / Shoulder Blades Into Your Back Pockets: An image to encourage upper back and shoulder stability. Visualize your shoulder blades moving down your back into the back pockets of your jeans. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Pocket Split: A split that is left after the ball hits the pocket; usually it is the result of a ball being deflected too much (i.e., some pocket splits are the 8-10, 5-7 etc). MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Closed Pocket: A full rack of pins set up for your strike ball such that the head pin is a tad off spot towards your ball hand; i.e., to the right for a right handed player; closed pockets can give unpredictable res MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Hold The Line or Pocket: Describes the reaction of a ball that hits the hold spot. i.e., The ball held pocket. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Hammer The Pocket: Hitting the pocket consistently. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Out-Of-Pocket Maximum: The most a plan member will pay per year for covered health expenses before the plan pays 100% of covered health expenses for the rest of that year. MORE