Entertainment / Bowling / Bonus Time: The shots you take after getting a fill in the 10th frame.
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Bonus Noun Synonyms: reward, largesse, hand-out, perquisite, extra, honorarium, tip, gratuity, remuneration, compensation, perk
Time Noun Synonyms: period, interval, stretch, spell, patch
Science / Tides and Currents / Solar Time: Time measured by the hour angle of the Sun. It is called apparent time when referred to the actual Sun and mean time when referred to the mean Sun. It is also classified as local, standard, or Greenwi MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Stability-Time Hypothesis: Hypothesis that states that higher diversity occurs in habitats that are ancient and stable environmentally MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Standard Time: A kind of time based upon the transit of the Sun over a certain specified meridian, called the time meridian, and adopted for use over a considerable area. With a few exceptions, standard time is base MORE
Science / Geology / Signing Bonus: Money paid to a mineral rights owner in exchange for granting a lease. This payment may be in addition to rental or royalty payments. MORE
Science / Astrology / Sidereal Time: Time measured in relation to fixed stars, as distinguished from clock time, based upon the Sun's position relative to Earth. Astrological time data is listed in sidereal time units. MORE
Technology / Radar / Sensitivity Time Control (STC): An electronic circuit designed to automatically increase the gain as the electron beam is deflected from the center to the edge of the scope. Also called anti-clutter gain control. MORE