Entertainment / Basketball / Pass: When a player throws the ball to a teammate.
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Pass Noun Synonyms: free pass, complimentary ticket, twofer, Annie Oakley
Pass Verb Synonyms: evacuate, void, eliminate, excrete, defecate, urinate
Pass Adjective Synonyms: proceed, move (onwards), go (ahead), progress, extend, lie, run, flow, fly, roll, course, stream, drift, sweep
Science / Psychiatry / Somatic Passivity: delusional belief that one is a passive recipient of bodily sensations from an external agency MORE
Entertainment / Football / Passer Rating: (also quarterback rating) a numeric value used to measure of the performance of quarterbacks. It was formulated in 1973 and it uses the player's completion percentage, passing yards, touchdowns and in MORE
Entertainment / Football / Pass Patterns: Pre-determined paths receivers follow to help the passer quickly locate them so he can more easily get them the ball. MORE
Business / Finance / Private-Label Pass-Throughs: Related: Conventional pass-throughs. MORE
Business / Finance / Passive Activity Loss (PAL): A loss incurred in participating in passive investing. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Forward Pass: A pass that touches a person, object, or the ground closer to the opponent's end line than where it was released from, or is accidentally lost during a forward throwing motion. MORE