Entertainment / Basketball / Center: Often the tallest player on the team. Normally plays close to the basket and is responsible for getting rebounds and blocking shots.
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Technology / Rockets / Center of Pressure (CP): The center of pressure is the point in an object at which all forces acting upon it are centered. In the case of a model rocket, forces acting upon it include gravity, the thrust of the motor, and aer MORE
Business / Finance / Reinvoicing Center: A central financial subsidiary an MNC uses to reduce transaction exposure by billing all home country exports in the home currency and reinvoicing to each operating affiliate in that affiliate's local MORE
Health / Dentistry / Centers Of Excellence: A feature of the CIGNA HealthCare provider directory allowing you to compare quality and cost for hospitals in your area. CIGNA HealthCare identifies hospitals as Centers of Excellence when they achie MORE
Health / Dentistry / Alternative Birthing Center: A facility offering a 'non-traditional' ('not like a hospital') setting for giving birth. While alternative birthing centers can range from free-standing centers to special areas within hospitals, bir MORE
Health / Dentistry / Designated Centers For Specialized Care: Medical centers selected to provide an advanced level of care for a disease or delivery of a specific procedure. For example, CIGNA's >LIFESOURCE Organ Transplant Network is composed of 13 nationally MORE
Business / Real Estate / Centers Of Influence: Influential people in a community. Real estate agents cultivate relationships with these centers of influence as a method of locating prospects in the community where the person has influence. Also kn MORE