Entertainment / Basketball / Basket: Consists of the rim and the net.
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Technology / Home Audio / Die Cast (Basket): A type of speaker basket or frame that is cast as a single piece of relatively thick, rigid metal. This contrasts with a Stamped frame that is shaped by pressure, much like a car body fender. Cast met MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Basketcase: A Basketcase is a pile of parts usually bought as a whole and supposedly from a single bike model. Basketcases are bought especially by motorcycle restorers to help finish out a restoration. MORE
Lifestyle / Tea / Basket-Fired: Japanese tea that has been cured in baskets by firing or drying. MORE
Business / Finance / Basket Options: Packages that involve the exchange of more than two currencies against a base currency at expiration. The basket option buyer purchases the right, but not the obligation, to receive designated currenc MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Drive To The Basket: To move rapidly with purpose and authority toward the basket with the ball with the intention of scoring. MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Biscuit In The Basket: Scoring a goal. MORE