
Entertainment / Baseball / Top: The first half of an inning.
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Other Words for Top

Top Noun Synonyms: summit, apex, peak, acme, crest, head, pinnacle, vertex, zenith, meridian, crown, culmination, high point, height, apogee
Top Verb Synonyms: surmount, cover, cap, crown, tip, finish, complete, garnish


Lifestyle / Travel / Nonstop: Referring to an air flight that does not stop enroute to it's first destination, that is, a single flight segment with no intermediate stops. MORE


Technology / Motorcycle / Stoppie: A stoppie is a motorcycle maneuver performed by a skilled rider to stop a moving motorcycle so the rear wheel is raised in the air while the machine is balanced on the front tire. MORE


Lifestyle / Poetry / End-Stopped: A verse line ending at a grammatical boundary or break, such as a dash, a closing parenthesis, or punctuation such as a colon, a semi-colon, or a period. The opposite to an end-stopped line is a line MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Toponym: A place-name, such as 'Detroit' or 'Transylvania,' or 'Rooster Rock.' Toponyms are fascinating on a linguistic level. Often their etymology reveals an etiological narrative from local mythology or fol MORE

Aggregate Stop-Loss Coverage

Health / Health Insurance / Aggregate Stop-Loss Coverage: A type of stop-loss insurance that provides benefits when a group's total claims during a specified period exceed a stated amount. MORE


Health / Health Insurance / Stop-Loss: The dollar amount of claims filed for eligible expenses at which which point you've paid 100 percent of your out-of-pocket and the insurance begins to pay at 100%. Stop-loss is reached when an insured MORE