Business / Internet Marketing / Personal Information Destination (PID): There are millions of pages of information on the web, but if you are looking for a specific item, there is only one page -- or very few -- that contains exactly the information you need. That's your PID. Think of it as a needle in a haystack.
Search Google for Personal Information Destination (PID):
Destination Noun Synonyms: journey's end, terminus, stop, stopping-place, goal, end, objective, target
Information Adjective Synonyms: knowledge, data, facts, intelligence, message, word, advice, news, tidings, report, communication, info, low-down, dirt, dope, gen, bumf, poop
Personal Noun Synonyms: individual, physical, bodily, actual, live, in person, in the flesh
Personal Adjective Synonyms: intimate, close, dear, bosom, familiar, special
Business / Loan / Personal Guarantee: A guarantee that the primary owner will assume personal responsibility for repayment of the loan, should the company not repay the loan. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Personal Foul: A foul that might cause injury; punishable by a 15-yard penalty. MORE
Business / Finance / Personal Exemption: Amount of money a taxpayer can exclude from personal income for each member of the household in calculation of a tax obligation. MORE
Business / Debt / Personal Equity Plan: A plan where people over the age of 18 could formerly invest in the shares of state and companies via an approved plan manager or through qualifying unit trusts and investment trusts and receive both MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Personal Identification Number (PIN): A code used by a mobile telephone number in conjunction with an SIM card to complete a call. MORE
Business / Debt / Personal Income: Personal income is a person's total income which includes salary, transfer payments, dividend and interest income. MORE