Business / Finance / Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC): A government agency established in 1989 and disbanded in 1996 that administered federal savings and loan institutions that were insolvent between 1989 and August 1992 by either bailing them out or merging them.
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Resolution Noun Synonyms: answer, answering, solution, solving, unravelling, disentanglement, sorting out, explication, outcome, issue, result, end (result)
Resolution Adjective Synonyms: resolve, resoluteness, determination, purpose, purposefulness, steadfastness, firmness, decidedness, decision, staunchness, boldness, doggedness, dauntlessness, stubbornness, obstinacy, perseverance, persistence, relentlessness, pertinacity, tenacity, sin
Trust Noun Synonyms: confidence, reliance, faith, conviction, certitude, certainty, sureness, positiveness, assurance, belief
Business / Finance / Quasi-Public Corporation: A corporation that is operated privately, but is supported by the government in its operations and that often traded publicly. MORE
Technology / Radar / Range Resolution: Range resolution is the ability of the radar to differentiate or resolve two targets that are close together in range. MORE
Business / Finance / Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT): REITs invest in real estate or loans secured by real estate and issue shares in such investments. A REIT is similar to a closed-end mutual fund. MORE
Business / Finance / Qualified Plan Or Trust: A tax-deferred plan allowing employer and employee contributions that build up savings, which are paid out at retirement or on termination of employment. Tax is paid only when amounts are drawn from t MORE
Business / Taxes / Qualified Domestic Trust (QDOT): If your spouse isn?€™t a US citizen and your estate is large enough to risk being vulnerable to estate taxes, you can use a qualified domestic trust (QDOT) to allow your spouse to enjoy the benefi MORE
Business / Finance / Possessions Corporation: A type of corporation permitted under the U.S. tax code whose branch operation in a U.S. possession can obtain tax benefits as though it were operating as a foreign subsidiary. MORE