Business / Finance / Operating Profit (Or Loss): Revenue from a firm's regular activities less costs and expenses and before income deductions.
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Profit Verb Synonyms: advance, further, be of profit to, benefit, promote, aid, help, be advantageous or of advantage, serve, avail, improve
Profit Noun Synonyms: advantage, avail, good, benefit, welfare, gain, value, interest,efulness, literary behoof
Business / Finance / Pre-Tax Earnings Or Profits: Net income before federal income taxes are subtracted. MORE
Business / Accounting / Profit: The positive difference between total revenue from a business or investment, minus total expense. See Gross profit , Net profit , and Profit and Loss Account . MORE
Business / Finance / Penultimate Profit Prospect (PPP): The second-lowest-priced of the ten highest-yielding stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average that is said (by authors O'Higgins and Downes) to be the Dow stock with the best possibility of outperfo MORE
Business / Taxes / Paper Profit (Or Loss): If you own an asset that increases in value, any increase in value is a paper profit, or unrealized gain. If you sell the asset for more than you paid to buy it, your paper profit becomes an actual pr MORE
Business / Agriculture / P.L. 480 (Or Public Law 480): P.L. 83-480 (July 10, 1954), also called Food for Peace, is the common name for food aid programs established by the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, which seeks to expand fo MORE
Business / Finance / Paper Gain (Loss): Unrealized capital gain (loss) on securities held in a portfolio based on a comparison of current market price to original cost. MORE