Uniform Grain And Rice Storage Agreement (USGRSA)

Business / Agriculture / Uniform Grain And Rice Storage Agreement (USGRSA): The contractual arrangement governing transactions between the Farm Service Agency and private grain storage companies. Commercial warehouses storing grain under a nonrecourse loan or owned by the CCC must have a signed USGRSA.
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Other Words for Agreement

Agreement Noun Synonyms: understanding, covenant, treaty, pact, accord, compact, settlement, concordat, contract, bargain, deal

Other Words for Grain

Grain Noun Synonyms: cereal, corn, grist
Grain Verb Synonyms: seed, kernel, stone, pip, pit

Other Words for Uniform

Uniform Adjective Synonyms: homogeneous, consistent, unvaried, unchanged, unaltered, unvarying, unchanging, invariable, unchangeable, unalterable, regimented, standard, ordered, orderly, equal, even, like, identical, alike

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