Business / Agriculture / Revenue Assurance (RA): A form of revenue insurance that protects a grower of an insurable crop whenever low prices, low yields, or a combination of both causes revenue to fall below a guaranteed level selected by the producer. It differs from other revenue insurance programs in that it allows a farmer to use the posted county price, rather than a national price, in determining a target level of revenue.
Search Google for Revenue Assurance (RA):
Assurance Noun Synonyms: promise, pledge, guarantee or guaranty, warranty, commitment, bond, surety, word, word of honor, oath, vow
Revenue Noun Synonyms: (gross) income, proceeds, receipts, return(s), yield, interest, takings, net (income), gate, profits, gain, take
Business / Finance / Revenue Bond: A bond issued by a municipality to finance either a project or an enterprise in which the issuer pledges to the bondholders the revenues generated by the operation of the projects financed. Examples a MORE
Business / Finance / Revenue Fund: A fund accounting for all revenues from an enterprise financed by a municipal revenue bond. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Revenue Insurance: A crop insurance program that provides coverage to producers against lost revenues (or incomes) caused by low prices, low yields, or a combination of low prices and low yields. An indemnity is paid to MORE