Business / Agriculture / Producer Subsidy Equivalent (PSE): A measure of the value of monetary transfers to agricultural producers resulting from agricultural policies in a given year. It includes both transfers from consumers of agricultural products (through domestic market price supports) and transfers from taxpayers (through budgetary or tax expenditures). See consumer subsidy equivalent (CSE).
Search Google for Producer Subsidy Equivalent (PSE):
Equivalent Adjective Synonyms: tantamount, commensurate, alike, similar, close, comparable, corresponding, interchangeable, equal, synonymous, of a piece or a kind
Equivalent Noun Synonyms: match, equal, peer, counterpart, twin
Producer Noun Synonyms: (inain) director, auteur, impresario, regisseur, (in and Canada) entrepreneur, (business or financial) manager, organizer, impresario
Producer Verb Synonyms: maker, manufacturer, fabricator, processor, creator, grower, farmer
Subsidy Verb Synonyms: funding, financing, subsidizing, sponsoring, sponsorship, assistance, aid, contribution, support, grant, subvention, maintenance, underwriting, capitalization
Business / Agriculture / Consumer Subsidy Equivalent (CSE): A measure of the value of monetary transfers to consumers resulting from agricultural policies in a given year. If negative, it measures the implicit tax imposed on consumers by agricultural policies. MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Executive Producer: A high-level manager (one step below a Vice President) responsible for managing producers. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Export Subsidy: A direct or indirect compensation provided by government to private commercial firms to promote exports of domestic products. Article 16 of the GATT considers that export subsidies are unfair competit MORE