Business / Agriculture / National Bank For Cooperatives (Cobank): An institution of the Farm Credit System that provides financial services to approximately 2,000 agricultural cooperatives, rural utility systems, Farm Credit System associations and other businesses serving rural America. Cobank also finances agricultural exports and provides international banking services primarily to U.S. agricultural cooperatives.
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For Noun Synonyms: representing, championing, in favour of, on or and also in behalf of, on the side of, in support of, in the service of, as a service to, for the benefit of, pro
For Preposition Synonyms: instead of, in place of, representing, as a replacement for, on or and in behalf of, in return or exchange for, in compensation or recompense or payment or repayment for, in requital for
National Noun Synonyms: nationalistic, nationalist, patriotic, jingoistic, chauvinistic
National Adjective Synonyms: nationwide, country-wide, state, governmental, civil, public, popular, federal
Business / Agriculture / National Milk Laboratory Certification Program: Under a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments, the Food and Drug Administration conducts a national certification program for state centralized laborato MORE
Science / Weather / National Meteorological Center (NMC): Now incorporated into the National Centers for Environmental Prediction, it was the division of the National Weather Service that produced, processed, handled, and distributed meteorological and ocean MORE
Business / Agriculture / National Natural Resources Conservation Foundation (NNRCF): A nonprofit private organization established by the FAIR Act of 1996 to promote and fund innovative solutions to conservation problems through effective partnerships. The Foundation can accept gifts a MORE