Business / Agriculture / Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTN): Negotiations between General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) member nations that are conducted under the auspices of the GATT and that are aimed at reducing tariff and nontariff trade barriers. The World Trade Organization has now replaced the GATT as the administrative body.
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Trade Noun Synonyms: exchange, swap or swop, interchange, switch, barter, return
Trade Adjective Synonyms: commerce, business, traffic, exchange, barter, dealing(s), buying and selling, merchandising, marketing, mercantilism, truck
Business / Agriculture / Trade Adjustment Assistance: Assistance provided by the Departments of Labor and Commerce to workers and firms that are adversely affected by increased imports. The Labor Department administers a program offering certified worker MORE
Business / Agriculture / Trade Act Of 1974: P.L. 93-618 provided the President with tariff and nontariff trade barrier negotiating authority for the Tokyo Round of multilateral trade negotiations. It also gave the President broad authority to c MORE
Business / Finance / Trade Acceptance: An oral (or electronic) transaction involving one party buying a security from another party. Once a trade is consummated, it is considered 'done' or final. Settlement occurs 1-5 business days later. MORE
Entertainment / Fantasy Football / Trade: A transaction that involves the swapping of one or more players from one team to another. In some fantasy leagues, the commissioner approves or denies all trade requests. A voting process among owners MORE
Business / Agriculture / Trade Agreements Act Of 1979: P.L. 96-39 (July 26, 1979) provided the implementing legislation for the Tokyo Round of multilateral trade agreements in such areas as customs valuation, standards, subsidies, and government procureme MORE
Business / Agriculture / Trade And Tariff Act Of 1984: P.L. 98-573 (October 30, 1984) clarified the conditions under which unfair trade cases under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 can be pursued. It also provided bilateral trade negotiating authority MORE