Business / Agriculture / Forest And Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act Of 1974 (RPA): Provides authority to the Forest Service to prepare and update an assessment every 10 years to inventory and monitor the status and trends of the forest lands and range lands in the National Forest System, and to prepare a long-range plan every 5 years to guide Forest Service policies.
Search Google for Forest And Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act Of 1974 (RPA):
Act Noun Synonyms: deed, action, undertaking, operation, step, move, feat, exploit, accomplishment, achievement
Act Verb Synonyms: behave (oneself), carry on, deport oneself, comport oneself, conduct oneself
Resources Noun Synonyms: initiative, ingenuity, talent, inventiveness, imagination, imaginativeness, cleverness, quick-wittedness, capability, resourcefulness, aptitude, qualifications, strength, quality, forte, gumption, guts
Business / Finance / Perfect Market View (Of Dividend Policy): Analysis of a decision on dividend policy, in a perfect capital market environment, that shows the irrelevance of dividend policy. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Performance Standards: The tasks, functions or behavioral requirements established by the employer as goals to be accomplished by an employee. MORE
Business / Finance / Period Of Digestion: The time period of often high volatility after a new issue is released when the trading price of the security is established by the market. MORE
Business / Finance / Periodic Purchase Deferred Contract: A fixed or variable annuity contract for which fixed-amount premiums are paid either monthly or quarterly, and that does not begin paying out until a time elected by the annuitant. MORE
Business / Finance / Perfect Market View (Of Capital Structure): Analysis of a firm's capital structure decision, which shows the irrelevance of capital structure in a perfect capital market. MORE
Business / Finance / Penultimate Profit Prospect (PPP): The second-lowest-priced of the ten highest-yielding stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average that is said (by authors O'Higgins and Downes) to be the Dow stock with the best possibility of outperfo MORE