Web Noun Synonyms
spider's web, cobweb, net, network, entanglement, snare, trap
Don't you just hate getting those webs in your hair? She became entangled in a web of deception.
Search Google for Web:
Health / Massage / Bindegewebsmassage: This technique is based on the theory that any disruption or imbalance in any portion of the body affects the entire system, specifically the autonomic, central nervous, and hormonal systems. Any disr MORE
Science / Biology / Food Web: A complex network of feeding interrelations among species in a natural ecosystem; more accurate and more complex depiction of energy fiow than a food chain. MORE
Technology / Computers / Weblog: (Same as blog) This is a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual. Similar to a personal diary, but shared over the web. The activity of updating a blog is 'blogging' and someone who kee MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Web Design: The selection and coordination of available components to create the layout and structure of a Web page. MORE
Lifestyle / Painting / Spiders Web: Some painters have chosen strange materials to paint on, often regardless of permanency and suitability. One of the strangest examples is in Chester Cathedral, England, where there is a small religiou MORE