Tax Adjective Synonyms
onus, burden, weight, load, encumbrance, strain, pressure
The admission of fifty new children put a heavy tax on the school's resources.
levy, impost, duty, tariff, assessment, tribute, toll, excise, customs, charge, contribution, scot, tithe, octroi, cess, rate(s), dues
Most people try to pay the lowest taxes they can get away with.
Tax Noun Synonyms
assess, exact, demand, charge, impose or levy a tax (on), tithe
If the government doesn't tax citizens, where will the money come from.
Search Google for Tax:
Business / Finance / Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund: Levies on the annual income of a business imposed by federal and state governments. On the income statement, this figure does not include property taxes, which are considered an operating expense. MORE
Business / Finance / Corporate Taxable Equivalent: The argument that double (corporate and individual) taxation of equity returns makes debt a cheaper financing method. MORE
Business / Finance / Earnings Before Taxes (EBT): A financial measure defined as revenues less cost of goods sold and selling, general, and administrative expenses. In other words, operating and nonoperating profit before the deduction of interest an MORE
Business / Finance / Local Taxes: Property, sewer, school, or other community paid to a locality. Local taxes are usually deductible for federal income tax purposes. MORE
Business / Finance / Pre-Tax Earnings Or Profits: Net income before federal income taxes are subtracted. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Inheritance Taxes: An estate tax imposed by the state on heirs for their right to inherit property. The tax is not levied on the property itself, but rather on the heirs for their right to acquire the property by succes MORE