Symbol Adjective Synonyms
representation, figure, metaphor, allegory, insigne (singular, plural is insignia), token, sign, emblem, badge, image, logotype, mark, trade mark, colophon, brand, code, abbreviation, phonogram, initialism, cryptogram, acronym, monogram, password, shibbol
This jewel is a mere symbol of my devotion and love for you.
Search Google for Symbol:
Entertainment / Literature / Symbolic Character: Symbolic characters are characters whose primary literary function is symbolic, even though the character may retain normal or realistic qualities. For instance, in Ellison's Invisible Man, the charac MORE
Science / Chemistry / Element Symbol: An international abbreviation for element names, usually consisting of the first one or two distinctive letters in element name. Some symbols are abbreviations for ancient names. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Cultural Symbol: A symbol widely or generally accepted as meaning something specific within an entire culture or social group, as opposed to a contextual symbol created by a single author that has meaning only within MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Personal Symbol: Another term for a private symbol. See below. MORE
Business / Taxes / Ticker Symbol: A ticker symbol, also known as a stock symbol, is a unique string of letters that identifies a particular stock on one of two electronic tapes that report market transactions. The consolidated tape in MORE
Business / Taxes / Trading Symbol: All companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the American Stock Exchange (AMEX), or the NASDAQ Stock Market are represented by a unique combination of one to five letters of the alphabe MORE