Other Words for Stalk

Stalk Adjective Synonyms
stem, trunk, cane, main axis, leaf-stalk, shaft, spike
The leaves cluster at the very top, leaving the entire stalk of the plant bare.

Stalk Verb Synonyms
follow, dog, haunt, shadow, trail, track (down), hunt (down), pursue, hound, chase, tail
The leopard stalked its prey in complete silence.

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More Words for Stalk

Shaft / Stem / Tail / Chase


Technology / Cell Phones / Crosstalk: Interference in a wireless communications system from other conversations in nearby cells using the same channel. MORE

Egrappage (France)

Life Style / Wine / Egrappage (France): The process of destemming - removing stems/stalks from the grape bunches before fermentation MORE


Life Style / Wine / Destemming: The process of removing the stems/stalks from the grape bunches before fermentation. Unripe stems will result in a green, unripe taste in the wine. MORE

Cuvaison (France)

Life Style / Wine / Cuvaison (France): The period of time when the solid matter such as pips, skin, stalks and so on is left to macerate in the wine during alcoholic fermentation in order to extract colour, flavour and tannin. MORE

Marc (France)

Life Style / Wine / Marc (France): This term describes the mass of skins, pips and stalks left behind once all the fermented juice - wine - has been taken off. It makes good fertiliser, but can also be distilled to make spirits. MORE


Life Style / Wine / Must: The must is the mixture of fermenting grape juice, pips, skins, stalks and so on. It is distinct from marc, which is all of these once the grape juice has been removed. An assessment of must weight is MORE