Other Words for Stab

Stab Noun Synonyms
stick, puncture, prick, lance, jab, pierce, run through, impale, gore, transfix, knife, bayonet, skewer, spike, spit, spear, pin, plunge, poke, thrust
In the melee, George was stabbed in the arm. It is said that she stabbed a fork into his hand.

puncture, jab, thrust, (stab-)wound
The coroner's office reported that the body had six stabs in the abdomen.

Stab Verb Synonyms
attempt, try, essay, guess, conjecture
Even if you are wrong, you lose nothing by making a stab at the right answer.

pang, twinge, pain, ache, hurt, stitch
Doctor, I get a terrible stab of pain in my side when I turn that way.

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