Square Adjective Synonyms
stiffen, throw back, straighten (up), tense
I squared my shoulders and prepared for the worst.
naive, innocent, bourgeois, conservative, conventional, unsophisticated, provincial, old-fashioned, conformist, strait-laced, unimaginative, predictable, antediluvian, uptight, out of it, not with it, not in the know, not hip or hep, unhip, stuffy,
We were at the age when anyone over 25 was considered square.
healthful, healthy, nutritious, substantial, solid, full, generous, satisfying, filling, unstinting
You could always count on three square meals a day when staying at Auntie Maisie's.
rectilinear figure, rectangle, cube, block
He took a square of wood and quickly carved it into the shape of a duck.
plaza, piazza, place, park, (village) green, market-place, market (square), agora, quadrangle
We like to sit on the benches in the square outside my house and chat with the neighbors.
bourgeois, conservative, conformist, traditionalist, (old) fogy or fogey, die-hard, outsider, stuffed shirt, fuddy-duddy, longhair, L-7, nerd, dweeb
My parents did not understand me - they were real old squares.
Square Noun Synonyms
settle, arrange, come to terms, patch up, clear up, satisfy, fix
Don't worry about the customs officials - I'll square it with them later on.
equilateral, quadrangular, rectangular, right-angled, quadrilateral, four-sided, cubic, cubed, six-sided, boxy
She bought a work of art consisting of three square pieces of red plastic on a mauve ground. He keeps trying to put square pegs into round holes.
honourable, upright, honest, straightforward, fair (and square), decent, ethical, open, (open and) above-board, right, (right and) proper, clean, just, equitable, on the level, on the up and up
I have never had anything but square dealings with Fred Latham.
adapt, adjust, change, modify, harmonize, accommodate, arrange, comply with, fit
Ronald was unable to square his beliefs with what they were teaching him at the seminary.
even, true, exact, straight, accurate, precise, correct
Make sure that the corners are perfectly square.
Square Verb Synonyms
equal, on a par, even, on equal terms, settled, balanced
With this payment, our accounts are now all square.
Search Google for Square:
Change / Full / Fix / Park / Block / Just / Straight / Naive / Open / Arrange / Tense / Clean / Right / Even / Equal / Fit
Business / Taxes / R-Squared: R-squared is a statistical measurement that determines the proportion of a security?€™s return, or the return on a specific portfolio of securities, that can be explained by variations in the stoc MORE
Science / Weather / Pounds Per Square Inch (PSI): A unit for measuring pressure. One PSI equals the pressure resulting from a force of one pound force acting over an area of one square inch. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Solid Square: A very accurate try square in which a steel blade is set firmly into a solid, rectangular-shaped handle so that each edge of the blade makes an angle of exactly 90?? with the inner face (side) of the MORE
Science / Astrology / Semi-Square: The eighth harmonic, 45?°; an important minor hard aspect in which planetary energies do not merge harmoniously but produce friction. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Inverse Square Law: In mathematics, the law that states that in the absence of reflective surfaces, sound pressure (or light) falls off at a rate inverse to the square of the distance from its source. In other words, eve MORE
Business / Real Estate / Square-Foot Method: A method of estimating a buildings construction, reproduction or replacement costs, whereby the structures square-foot floor area is multiplied by an appropriate construction cost per square foot. MORE