Other Words for Split

Split Verb Synonyms
division, dichotomy, schism, breach, rupture, partition, disunion, discord, break, separation
Don't you think that the issue will cause a split within the party.

crack, cleft, fissure, chink, cranny, slit, slot, crevice, groove, furrow, channel, sulcus, gap, hiatus, lacuna, opening, separation, division, chasm, rift, break, rupture, fracture, slash, gash, tear, rip, rent
The edges of the tectonic plates mark splits in the earth's crust. Pressure caused the splits in these plaster columns. I had to borrow a tablecloth to cover up the split in my trousers.

divided, separated, halved, bisected, cleft, cut, broken, fractured
The result was a split vote along party lines. Their first containers were of split bamboo.

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More Words for Split

Partition / Discord / Crack / Cut / Rent / Break


Technology / Television (TV) / Splitter: A splitter is a passive device or diplexer (one with no active electronic components) which distributes a television signal carried on a cable in two or more paths and sends it to a number of receiver MORE

Stock Split

Business / Accounting / Stock Split: The replacement of outstanding shares of stock with a greater number of new shares that have a proportionately lower par or stated value. MORE

Crystal Field Splitting Energy

Science / Chemistry / Crystal Field Splitting Energy: (Delta) Ligands complexed to a metal ion will raise the energy of some of its d orbitals and lower the energy of others. The difference in energy is called the crystal field splitting energy. MORE

Fit Split

Entertainment / Bowling / Fit Split: A two-pin split in which the pins are close enough together that the ball can hit them both. MORE

Baby Split

Entertainment / Bowling / Baby Split: A split that a ball can convert into a spare by fitting between the pins; i.e., the 3-10, 2-7, 4-5 etc. MORE

Pocket Split

Entertainment / Bowling / Pocket Split: A split that is left after the ball hits the pocket; usually it is the result of a ball being deflected too much (i.e., some pocket splits are the 8-10, 5-7 etc). MORE