Spectator Noun Synonyms
witness, eyewitness, observer, viewer, onlooker, looker-on, watcher, beholder
There were more spectators than participants at the spring dance.
Search Google for Spectator:
Science / Chemistry / Spectator Ion: A spectator ion is an ion that appears as both a reactant and a product in an ionic equation. For example, in the ionic equation Ag+(aq) + NO3-(aq) + Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq) = agcl(s) + Na+(aq) + NO3-(aq) t MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association (AHRMAL): Sanctioning body for vintage motorcycling competition, it?€™s a member-owned non-profit association dedicated to enhancing the sport of historic motorcycle racing for the enjoyment of riders and s MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Periodic Essay: The forefather of modern periodicals like magazines and literary journals, these publications contained essays appearing at regular intervals (monthly, quarterly, and so on). The subject-matter varied MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / International Six Day Enduro (ISDE): The oldest ?€?off road?€? motorcycle event on the FIM Calendar. (Originally titled the ?€?International Six Day Trial,?€? or ISDE, since 1980 it has been called the ?€?ISD Enduro.?€?) Firs MORE
Lifestyle / Poetry / Bouts Rimés: A french name, meaning 'rhymed ends,' for a popular 18th-century game where poems had to be built around previously selected rhymes. See john addison's essay no. 60 in the spectator. MORE
Life Style / Poetry / Bouts Rimés: A french name, meaning 'rhymed ends,' for a popular 18th-century game where poems had to be built around previously selected rhymes. See john addison's essay no. 60 in the spectator. MORE