Situation Noun Synonyms
place, position, location, spot, site, locale, setting
The situation of the monastery, high on the mountain, makes it almost inaccessible.
Situation Verb Synonyms
state (of affairs), condition, circumstances, case, status (quo), lay of the land, picture, plight, predicament, ball game, kettle of fish
The present situation calls for careful planning. The chancellor's policies have done little to improve the economic situation.
position, place, job, employment, post, berth
Jenkins likes his new situation as Lord Fortescue's valet.
Search Google for Situation:
Business / Taxes / Special Situation: An undervalued stock that one or more analysts expects to increase in price in the very near future because of an anticipated ?€” and welcome ?€” change within the company is known as a specia MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Situational Leadership: A management theory stating that different situations call for different leadership styles and that essentially there is no one best way to lead. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Situational Irony: Another term for universal irony. See discussion under irony. MORE
Business / Construction / Thermostat: A device which relegates the temperature of a room or building by switching heating or cooling equipment on or off. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Documentary Photography: Taking of photographs to provide a record of social and political situations with the aim of conveying information. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Ring Flash: Ring shaped electronic flash unit attached to the front of a lens. Used to give even frontal lighting in closeup situations. MORE