Other Words for Servant

Servant Adjective Synonyms
domestic (servant), help, retainer, maid, maidservant, parlour-maid, upstairs maid, lady's maid, cleaner, cleaning man, cleaning woman, amah, housekeeper, chatelaine, major-domo, factotum, steward, seneschal, butler, houseman, houseboy, boy, page, valet,
Who can afford to keep domestic servants these days? .

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Page / Maid / Boy / Help


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Entertainment / Literature / Soubrette: A maidservant of independent and saucy temperament in the Italian commedia dell'arte. This stock character helps two or more young lovers overcome the blocking agent that prevents their happy union. MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Patronage: The act of giving financial or political support to an artist. A person who provides financial support for an artist is known as a patron regardless of his or her gender. Sometimes patrons might seek MORE


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Entertainment / Literature / Squire: A knight-in-training, a young boy who has spent several years as a page to learn humility, patience, and the manners of polite society and who is now acting as the servant of a knight while he perfect MORE

Red Flag

Entertainment / Football / Red Flag: A weighted red marker thrown onto the field by a coach to tell the officials that he wants a certain play reviewed. Sometimes referred to as 'challenge flag.' MORE