Selective Noun Synonyms
particular, discerning, discriminative, discriminating, discriminatory, eclectic, exacting, demanding, choosy, picky
Thea has been very selective in her choice of partners.
Search Google for Selective:
Technology / Email / Selective Unsubscribe: An unsubscribe mechanism that allows a consumer to selectively determine which email newsletters they wish to continue receiving while stopping the sending of others. MORE
Science / Biology / Selective Breeding: The selection of individuals with desirable traits for use in breeding. Over many generations, the practice leads to the development of strains with the desired characteristics. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Selective Focusing: Method of adjusting the lens aperture and shutter speed to give a depth of field that will limit image sharpness to a particular area of the image. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Selective Use: In the study of television stars, a use of selected parts of the star's polysemy in a particular role. MORE
Science / Biology / Selectively Permeable: Term describing a barrier that allows some chemicals to pass but not others. The cell membrane is such a barrier. MORE
Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Gallium (Ga): Atomic number: 31, Atomic mass: 69.72 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: unknown, Density: 5.1 at 20?°C, Melting point: 29.8 ?°C, Boiling point: 2204 ?°C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.161 nm, Ionic radiu MORE