Other Words for Scan

Scan Adjective Synonyms
study, pore over, examine, investigate, scrutinize, inspect, delve into, research, explore (in depth), sweep, con
Scan the horizon for hostile planes.

look, survey, inspection, examination, overview
A microscopic scan revealed no trace of blood.

Scan Verb Synonyms
glance at or through, look over, skim, read over, flip or thumb or leaf through
I didn't have time to read it thoroughly, but I did scan it.

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More Words for Scan

Survey / Examine / Look / Examination

Super Tuscans

Life Style / Wine / Super Tuscans: A style of Italian wine that became popular in Tuscany in the late 20th century where premium quality wines were produced outside of DOC regulations and sold for high prices with the low level vino da MORE

Interlaced Scanning

Technology / Television (TV) / Interlaced Scanning: In a television display, interlaced scanning refers to the process of re-assembling a picture from a series of electrical (video) signals. The 'standard' NTSC system uses 525 scanning lines to create MORE

Scanlon Plan

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Scanlon Plan: A gainsharing program in which employees share in specific cost savings that are due to employee effort. The Scanlon Plan involves much employee participation, predating quality circles with most of t MORE

Progressive Scan

Technology / Television (TV) / Progressive Scan: The way a television decodes an image ?€“ also known as non-interlaced, the odd and even fields are scanned sequentially (1, 2, 3, 4?€¦) every 1/60 of a second. 60 frames are produced every sec MORE


Technology / Television (TV) / Overscan: The TV approach of bleeding the video signal off the edges of the picture display unit. When converting computer screen to overscan, graphics and text at the edges of the image may be lost. Vertical o MORE

Scandium (Sc)

Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Scandium (Sc): Atomic number: 21, Atomic mass: 44.9559 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: unknown, Density: 3.0 g.cm-3 at 20?°C, Melting point: 1541 ?°C, Boiling point: 2836 ?°C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.161 nm, Ionic rad MORE