Scale Adverb Synonyms
flake, imbrication, scurf, dandruff, squama, plate, scute or scutum, lamina, lamella
Scrape the scales off the fish with a sharp knife before gutting it.
Scale Noun Synonyms
regulate, adjust, proportion, prorate
The size of the cable is scaled to the weight it must carry.
coating, encrustation or incrustation, crust, overlay, layer, cake, caking, tartar, plaque
The hardness of the water causes the scale inside the kettle.
proportion, ratio
The scale of these drawings is One Foot = One Centimetre.
climb, ascend, mount, clamber up, surmount, go up, escalade
Using grappling hooks and ropes, we scaled the wall in minutes.
range, compass, rank, ranking, gradation, graduation, register, spectrum, calibration, progression, hierarchy, scope, gamut
As we ascend in the scale of life we rise in the scale of longevity.
Search Google for Scale:
Science / Geology / Mohs Hardness Scale: A collection of minerals ranging from very soft to very hard. Use as a comparison scale during mineral identification. From softest to hardest, the ten minerals are: talc 1, gypsum 2, calcite 3, fluor MORE
Science / Weather / Kelvin Temperature Scale: A temperature scale with the freezing point of +273?°K (Kelvin) and the boiling point of +373?° K. It is used primarily for scientific purposes. Also known as the Absolute Temperature Scale. Propose MORE
Science / Weather / Celsius Temperature Scale: A temperature scale where water at sea level has a freezing point of 0?°C (Celsius) and a boiling point of +100?°C. More commonly used in areas that observe the metric system of measurement. Created MORE
Science / Weather / Absolute Temperature Scale: A temperature scale with a freezing point of +273?°K (Kelvin) and a boiling point of +373?°K. MORE
Science / Weather / Fahrenheit Temperature Scale: A temperature scale where water at sea level has a freezing point of +32?°F and a boiling point of +212?°F. More commonly used in areas that observe the English system of measurement. Created in 171 MORE
Science / Weather / Fujita-Pearson Scale: A scale that classifies the severity of wind damage intensity based on the degree of destruction as it relates to the wind speed as well as path length and path width of the event. It is normally used MORE