Stigmatize Verb Synonyms: brand, mark, scar, blemish, besmirch, sully, disparage, depreciate, denounce, condemn, calumniate, defame, pillory, slander
Still Verb Synonyms: quiet, serene, placid, calm, tranquil, motionless, unmoving, peaceful, pacific, at rest, quiescent, even, flat, smooth, inert, stationary, undisturbed, unruffled
Still Adjective Synonyms: notwithstanding, yet, even then
Still Noun Synonyms: stillness, hush, quiet, silence, tranquillity, noiselessness, peacefulness, calm
Still Adverb Synonyms: calm, allay, assuage, alleviate, relieve, silence, lull, quiet(en), pacify, soothe, mollify, appease, subdue, suppress
Stilted Adverb Synonyms: awkward, ungraceful, graceless, clumsy, wooden, stiff, turgid, affected, artificial, unnatural, mannered, laboured, pretentious, formal, pompous, lofty, bombastic, grandiloquent, high-flown, inflated
Stimulant Adverb Synonyms: stimulus, incentive, provocation, spur, prompt, goad, urge, prod, fillip, impetus, incitement, drive, impulse, push, pull, draw
Stimulant Conjunction Synonyms: energizer, antidepressant, tonic, restorative, bracer, pick-me-up, shot in the arm, pep pill, upper, bennie, speed
Stimulate Adjective Synonyms: increase, encourage, prompt, provoke, quicken
Stimulate Verb Synonyms: rouse, arouse, waken, awaken, wake up, excite, incite, inspire, encourage, spur, quicken, fire, fuel, nourish, activate, whip or stir up, goad, galvanize, jolt, inspirit
Stimulating Noun Synonyms: exciting, inspirational, inspiring, arousing, stirring, animating, exhilarating, provocative, thought-provoking
Sting Verb Synonyms: hurt, wound, pain, injure, distress, nettle, cut to the quick
Sting Noun Synonyms: prick, stab, pierce, stick, bite
Sting Adjective Synonyms: cheat, overcharge, swindle, fleece, defraud, rob, soak, rip off, take for a ride
Stinker Verb Synonyms: wretch, villain, scoundrel, cad, heel, beast, cur, viper, snake in the grass, skunk, swine, polecat, Rather blackguard, rogue, knave, varlet, dastard, (base) caitiff, stinkpot, louse, creep, rat, nasty piece of work, sod,
Stinking Verb Synonyms: foul-smelling, smelly, fetid or foetid, mephitic, rank, noisome, malodorous, reeking, putrid, miasmal or miasmatic(al) or miasmic, rancid, gamy, pongy, whiffy
Stint Adjective Synonyms: control, curb, limit, limitation, restriction, check, restraint, constraint, condition, qualification, reservation
Stint Noun Synonyms: share, quota, allotment, bit, assignment, stretch, shift, term, time, job, chore, task, routine, turn, tour, duty, responsibility, obligation, charge
Stipend Noun Synonyms: pay, salary, payment, remuneration, remittance, recompense, compensation, reward, emolument, earnings, income, grant, subvention, scholarship, subsidy, allowance, allotment, (financial) support
Stipulate Noun Synonyms: specify, demand, require, covenant, set forth, agree (to), provide (for), guarantee, warrant, promise, insist (upon or on), call for
Stipulation Verb Synonyms: condition, demand, essential, given, requirement, requisite, prerequisite, specification, undertaking, obligation, covenant, clause, proviso, term, agreement, provision, guarantee, warranty, promise
Stir Noun Synonyms: move, rise, arise, get up, bestir (oneself), be up and about, get a move on, get moving, get a wiggle on, shake a leg, look or step lively, look alive, stir one's stumps
Stir Verb Synonyms: disturb, trouble, affect, upset, stimulate, activate
Stir Up Noun Synonyms: motivate, encourage, stimulate, energize, galvanize, electrify, animate, excite, inspire, provoke, move, rouse, arouse, get, prompt, urge, incite, spur, prod, induce, persuade, convince
Stir Up Verb Synonyms: agitate, shake (up), mix (up), scramble, amalgamate, mingle, commingle, intermingle, merge, blend, fold (in), churn (up), beat, whip (up)
Stirring Verb Synonyms: moving, telling, emotional, emotive, emotion-charged, rousing, stimulating, inspiring, gripping, evocative, exciting, thrilling, melodramatic, dramatic, heady, intoxicating, spirited, inspiriting, exhilarating, awe-inspiring
Stock Verb Synonyms: supply, store, inventory, stockpile, reserve, reservoir, cache, hoard, wares, merchandise, goods, selection, assortment, range, variety, array
Stock Adjective Synonyms: livestock, (domestic or farm) animals, cattle, beasts, horses, cows, oxen, sheep, goats
Stock Noun Synonyms: pedigree, bloodline, house, dynasty, (line of) descent, genealogy, extraction, roots, lineage, family, ancestry, parentage, breeding, heritage
Stock Up Noun Synonyms: accumulate, amass, pile up, stockpile, hoard, store (up), cache, lay in, inventory
Stocky Adjective Synonyms: thickset, sturdy, chunky, dumpy, solid, stumpy, burly, beefy, heavy-set, squat, pyknic, mesomorphic
Stodgy Adjective Synonyms: stuffy, dull, heavy, ponderous, elephantine, boring, tedious, humdrum, tiresome, turgid, uninteresting, unimaginative, dry-as-dust, jejune, vapid, dreary, flat, colourless, bland, ho-hum, blah, deadly
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