Spew Forth Noun Synonyms: belch (up or out or forth), vomit (up or forth), regurgitate, spit up or out, spout, discharge, emit, eject, send forth, spurt, gush, throw up or out, disgorge, puke
Sphere Adjective Synonyms: globe, orb, globule, spherule, drop, droplet, bubble
Spherical Verb Synonyms: spheric, globular, round, ball-shaped, ball-like, globelike, globe-shaped, globose or globous, globoid, globate(d), spheroid(al)
Spice Noun Synonyms: condiment, relish, seasoning, flavor(ing), herb
Spice Up Adjective Synonyms: enliven, inspirit, stimulate, invigorate
Spicy Noun Synonyms: zesty, zestful, piquant, tangy, (well-)spiced, (well-)seasoned, hot, peppery, sharp, pungent, snappy, biting, full-bodied, aromatic, savory, flavoursome, flavourful
Spicy Verb Synonyms: scandalous, sensational, outrageous, notorious, revealing, revelatory, intimate
Spike Adjective Synonyms: impale, stab, stick, spear, pierce, spit, lance
Spike Verb Synonyms: skewer, stake, prong, treenail, nail, peg, picket, pin, pike, spine
Spill Verb Synonyms: waste, throw out, lose
Spill Noun Synonyms: pour (out or over), overflow, slop or run or brim over
Spill The Beans Verb Synonyms: reveal or tell or disclose or divulge all or everything, blab, tattle, let the cat out of the bag, confess, squeal, be a stool-pigeon or stoolie, spill one's guts, sing (like a canary), blow the gaff
Spilt Up Noun Synonyms: divorce, separate, go separate ways, break up, part company
Spilt Up Verb Synonyms: divide, separate, cleave, cut or chop apart, cut or chop in two, pull or tear apart, rend, break or snap apart or in two, break up, come apart, rupture, partition, detach, become detached, bisect, dichotomize
Spin Verb Synonyms: revolve, turn, rotate, gyrate, twirl, whirl, twist, reel, pirouette, pivot
Spin Off Noun Synonyms: separate, derive
Spin Out Verb Synonyms: prolong, protract, drag or draw out, stretch out, perpetuate, continue, extend, keep alive, keep going
Spine Verb Synonyms: backbone, spinal column, vertebrae
Spineless Noun Synonyms: weak, feeble, flabby, irresolute, weak-willed, indecisive, ineffectual, ineffective, impotent, powerless
Spineless Verb Synonyms: invertebrate
Spiral Noun Synonyms: helix, coil, corkscrew, screw, scroll, whorl, volute, turn, curl
Spiral Adjective Synonyms: helical, coiled, screw, corkscrew, cochlear or cochleate, scrolled, volute(d), whorled
Spire Adjective Synonyms: column, tower, belfry, steeple, flŠche
Spirit Noun Synonyms: anima, breath, life, vitality, vital spirit, pneuma, soul, consciousness, psyche, self, heart, essence
Spirit Adjective Synonyms: character, temperament, temper, persona, disposition, mind, will, will-power, attitude, bent, inclination, energy, ardor, desire, impetus, drive, urge, eagerness, zest, zeal, zealousness, fire, passion(s), enthusiasm, motivation, mettle, resolution, resol
Spirit Away Noun Synonyms: abduct, make off or away with, carry off, transport, take away, kidnap, steal (off or away with), whisk away, abscond with, make disappear
Spirited Noun Synonyms: lively, sprightly, energetic, vigorous, animated, sparkling, dynamic, buoyant, effervescent, vivacious, ardent, mettlesome
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