Sow Noun Synonyms: seed, disseminate, broadcast, plant
Space Adjective Synonyms: spaciousness, room, place, expanse, elbow-room, leeway, margin, latitude, play
Space Verb Synonyms: accommodation, seat, berth, room, place
Space Noun Synonyms: interval, lapse, period, time, hiatus, lacuna, span, while, duration, extent, spell, stretch, pause, wait, intermission, gap, break, interruption
Spacious Noun Synonyms: vast, large, extensive, enormous, wide, broad, commodious, ample, expansive, roomy, huge, sizeable, large, capacious, great, immense, outsize(d), voluminous, oversize(d)
Span Noun Synonyms: bridge, link, stretch, overpass, flyover
Span Verb Synonyms: cross, stretch over, reach over, extend over, go over, bridge
Spank Adjective Synonyms: slap, smack, put or take over one's knee, thrash, paddle, chastise, punish, castigate, wallop, tan (someone's) hide, paddywhack, whack, give (someone) a (good) licking or hiding
Spanking Verb Synonyms: quick, rapid, swift, lively, snappy, fast, smart, energetic, vigorous, brisk
Spanking Noun Synonyms: spic and span, smart, bright, snappy, gleaming, brand-new, fine, remarkable, outstanding, big, large, great
Spar Adjective Synonyms: fight, box, exchange blows, shadow-box
Spar Verb Synonyms: mast, yard, yard-arm, boom, boomkin, gaff, jigger, mizen, stick, pole
Spare Adjective Synonyms: extra, surplus, supernumerary, auxiliary, supplementary, additional, odd, leftover, in reserve, in addition
Spare Noun Synonyms: thin, skinny, scrawny, cadaverous, gaunt, raw-boned, meager, gangling, lank(y), wiry, slim, slender, all skin and bones
Spare Verb Synonyms: meager, frugal, small, skimpy, modest, scanty
Sparing Adjective Synonyms: thrifty, saving, frugal, spare, careful, prudent, parsimonious, economical, penurious, mean, penny-pinching, stingy, niggardly, miserly, close, close-fisted, cheap, tight, tight-fisted, mingy
Spark Verb Synonyms: scintilla, flicker, glimmer, glint, sparkle, speck, hint, suggestion, vestige, atom, whit, jot (or tittle), iota
Spark Off Verb Synonyms: set or touch off, ignite, kindle, enkindle, electrify, animate, trigger, energize, galvanize, activate, excite, stimulate, set in motion, bring about, start (up), begin, initiate, inspire, inspirit, provoke, precipitate
Sparkle Verb Synonyms: glitter, scintillate, glint, flicker, shine, twinkle, wink, blink, glimmer, flash, coruscate, blaze, burn, flame
Sparkle Adjective Synonyms: effervesce, fizz, bubble
Sparkle Noun Synonyms: glitter, scintillation, twinkle, coruscation, dazzle, spark, gleam, brightness, brilliance, radiance
Sparse Verb Synonyms: thin (on the ground), few (and far between), meager, scanty, (widely) dispersed or scattered, spread out, spotty, in short supply, scarce
Spartan Noun Synonyms: austere, strict, severe, harsh, hard, stern, rigorous, rigid, ascetic, stringent, controlled, disciplined, self-denying, abstinent, abstemious
Spasm Noun Synonyms: convulsion, throe, fit, twitch, paroxysm
Spasm Adjective Synonyms: fit, seizure, convulsion, paroxysm, spell, outburst, burst, eruption
Spasmodic Adjective Synonyms: spasmodical, paroxysmal, convulsive, jerky, jerking, sudden, spastic
Spate Noun Synonyms: flood, inundation, onrush, onset, rush, deluge, outpouring, outflow, outflowing, flow
Spatter Noun Synonyms: splash, splatter, speckle, bespatter, spray, dabble, daub, bedaub, sprinkle, besprinkle, splodge, splotch
Spawn Adjective Synonyms: give birth to, yield, bear, bring forth, breed, beget, create, father, sire, produce, generate, engender, give rise to, bring about, cause
Speak Verb Synonyms: talk, communicate in, discourse or converse in, communicate in, utter in, articulate in,e
Speak Adjective Synonyms: talk, converse, discourse
Speak Noun Synonyms: talk to, converse or discourse with, address, say (something or) anything to
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