Snobbery Noun Synonyms: snobbism, snobbishness, pretentiousness, pretension, hauteur, haughtiness, superciliousness, condescension, loftiness, contemptuousness, presumptuousness, lordliness, disdainfulness, disdain, pompousness, pomposity, affectation, inflatedness, self-importa
Snobbish Noun Synonyms: condescending, superior, patronizing, arrogant, haughty, lordly, lofty, putting on airs, disdainful, supercilious, contemptuous, pretentious, smug, scornful, self-important, affected, conceited, egotistic(al), vain, self-satisfied, complacent, pompous, Co
Snoop Verb Synonyms: pry, spy, interfere, meddle, intrude, butt in(to), stick or poke one's nose, be nosy, nose around or about
Snug Noun Synonyms: cosy, comfortable, intimate, relaxing, restful, warm, sheltered, friendly, easy, homely, casual, comfy
Snuggle Adjective Synonyms: cuddle, snug down, nestle, nuzzle
So Far Adverb Synonyms: thus far, (up) to or till or until now or the present or this point, to date, to this point in time
So So Noun Synonyms: mediocre, all right, average, undistinguished, passable, not (too) bad or good, adequate, fair (to middling), middling, indifferent, ordinary, tolerable, comme ci, comme ‡a, modest
So To Speak Verb Synonyms: as it were, in a manner of speaking, figuratively or metaphorically (speaking)
So-Called Verb Synonyms: alleged, pretended, supposed, ostensible, misnamed, misdesignated, suspect
So-Called Adjective Synonyms: styled, self-styled, designated, soi-disant, called, professed
Soak Adjective Synonyms: alcoholic, drunkard, drunk, dipsomaniac, drinker, tippler, toper, sot, sponge, souse, boozer, dip, lush, juicer
Soak Verb Synonyms: drench, saturate, wet, immerse, souse, douse or dowse, bathe, steep, inundate, ret
Soak Up Noun Synonyms: absorb, take in, sponge up, assimilate, learn
Soaking Verb Synonyms: drenching, wetting, dousing or dowsing, immersing, saturating
Soar Verb Synonyms: rise, fly, hover, float, hang
Soar Noun Synonyms: rise, increase, escalate, climb, spiral upwards, shoot up or upwards, rocket, sky-rocket
Sob Noun Synonyms: cry, weep, blubber, shed tears, snivel, whimper, sniff, snuffle, pule, wail, moan, boohoo, mewl, pule, bawl, howl, yowl
Sober Verb Synonyms: serious, solemn, earnest, dispassionate, unruffled, unflustered, unexcited, unperturbed, steady, sedate, staid, composed, dignified, cool, calm, serene, tranquil, collected, cool-headed, level-headed, sane, balanced, practical, realistic, rational, clear-
Sober Adjective Synonyms: teetotal, temperate, dry, on the (water-) wagon
Sober Up Verb Synonyms: detoxify, recover, dry out
Sobriety Adjective Synonyms: teetotalism, abstemiousness, abstention, abstinence, non-indulgence, temperance
Sociable Noun Synonyms: friendly, affable, approachable, social, gregarious, outgoing, extrovert(ed) or extravert(ed), companionable, accessible, amiable, amicable, genial, congenial, convivial, warm, cordial, neighbourly, hail-fellow-well-met, chummy, cosy
Social Noun Synonyms: communal, community, common, collective, group, public, popular, societal
Social Adjective Synonyms: sexual, sexually transmitted, venereal
Socialize Adjective Synonyms: mix, get together, fraternize, keep company, go out, get out, associate
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