Sign Over Verb Synonyms: assign, consign, transfer, make over, deliver, give, donate, present, dispose of, turn over
Significance Adjective Synonyms: importance, weight, weightiness, consequence, moment, relevance, value
Significance Verb Synonyms: meaning, sense, signification, denotation, message, idea, point, import, purport, implication, portent, content, pith, essence, gist, drift, vein, impression, connotation
Significant Verb Synonyms: important, weighty, momentous, consequential, critical, substantial, substantive, noteworthy, notable, valuable, valued, meritorious, outstanding, impressive, historic, relevant, signal
Significant Noun Synonyms: meaningful, eloquent, pithy, expressive, pregnant, suggestive, informative
Signify Noun Synonyms: sign, signal, indicate, communicate, make known, convey, symbolize, betoken, represent, express, announce, declare, denote, say, mean, specify, connote, intimate, suggest, reveal, disclose, impart
Silence Noun Synonyms: mitigate, temper, mollify, take the sting out of, propitiate, pacify, blunt, suppress, repress, restrain, subdue, draw the fangs or teeth of, inhibit, put down, damp, mute, squelch, quash, emasculate, muzzle, muffle, shut off, gag, stifle, smother, deaden
Silence Verb Synonyms: quiet, mute, hush, still, shush, calm, tranquillize, soothe, quieten
Silence Adjective Synonyms: quiet, quietness, stillness, soundlessness, noiselessness, calm, calmness, hush, quietude, tranquillity, peace, peacefulness, serenity
Silent Verb Synonyms: uncommunicative, mute, close-mouthed, taciturn, reticent, reserved, mum, tight-lipped, secretive
Silent Adjective Synonyms: inactive, non-participating, passive, quiescent, sleeping
Silent Noun Synonyms: quiet, still, soundless, noiseless, tranquil, hushed, shushed, mute, calm, serene, placid, peaceful, pacific, unagitated, unruffled, untroubled, undisturbed, stilly
Silently Adjective Synonyms: quietly, soundlessly, noiselessly, with catlike tread, as quietly as a mouse, stealthily, wordlessly, speechlessly, mutely
Silhouette Adjective Synonyms: outline, profile, contour, form, figure, shape, shadow, configuration, periphery, perimeter
Silky Adjective Synonyms: silken, silklike, delicate, sleek, soft, smooth, satiny, shiny, glossy, lustrous, sericeous
Silly Adverb Synonyms: senseless, nonsensical, absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous, laughable, risible, asinine, inane, preposterous, idiotic, childish, puerile, foolish, foolhardy, irresponsible, unreasonable, illogical, irrational, pointless, fatuous, stupid, unwise, imbecilic, cra
Silly Adjective Synonyms: fool, nincompoop, idiot, dunce, ninny, halfwit, simpleton, numskull or numbskull, dim-wit, booby, dolt, jackass, twit, dolt, blockhead, bonehead, nitwit, ignoramus, clod, thimble-wit, dope, dummy, knuckle-head, goose, drip, silly billy, clo
Silly Noun Synonyms: stunned, stupefied, daze, giddy, dizzy, muzzy, benumbed
Silt Adjective Synonyms: deposit, sediment, alluvium, ooze, sludge
Silt Up Adjective Synonyms: become clogged or choked or obstructed or dammed or congested
Silver Noun Synonyms: silverware, sterling, (silver) plate, cutlery, flatware, hollowware
Silver Verb Synonyms: silvery, shiny, shining, polished, burnished, lustrous, pearly, nacreous, bright, gleaming, heraldry argent, white
Similar Noun Synonyms: like, almost identical, comparable, equivalent, nearly the same, alike
Simmer Adjective Synonyms: seethe, stew, cook, boil, bubble
Simmer Down Adjective Synonyms: calm or cool down, cool off, calm oneself, become quiet, control oneself, get control of or over oneself, quieten down, cool it
Simple Adjective Synonyms: unsophisticated, naive, slow, slow-witted, stupid, thick, thickheaded, simple-minded, feeble-minded, oafish, bovine, dense, obtuse, dull, dull-witted, witless, halfwitted, brainless, backward, imbecilic or imbecile, cretinous, dumb, mo
Simple Verb Synonyms: uncomplicated, plain, uninvolved, unsophisticated, understandable, intelligible, (easily) understood, comprehensible, clear, lucid, straightforward, easy, elementary, basic
Simplicity Adjective Synonyms: uncomplicatedness, understandability, comprehensibility, lucidity, straightforwardness, clarity, intelligibility, decipherability
Simplicity Noun Synonyms: stupidity, slow-wittedness, thickheadedness, simple-mindedness, feeble-mindedness, oafishness, cloddishness, obtuseness, dullness, dull-wittedness, witlessness, halfwittedness, imbecility, brainlessness
Simplify Noun Synonyms: clarify, clear up, make easy, paraphrase, explain, explicate, disentangle, untangle, unravel, streamline
Simply Verb Synonyms: distinctly, unambiguously, plainly, obviously, unmistakably or unmistakeably
Simply Noun Synonyms: merely, barely, purely, only, solely, just, entirely, fully, totally, wholly, altogether, absolutely, really
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