Shirk Verb Synonyms: avoid, evade, shun, dodge, get out of, shrink from, duck (out of), skive, scrimshank, gold brick
Shiver Verb Synonyms: shake, quake, tremble, shudder, quiver
Shiver Adjective Synonyms: vibrate, luff, flap, flutter, chatter, rattle, shake, wallop
Shock Verb Synonyms: surprise, thunderbolt, bolt from the blue, bombshell, revelation, shocker, eye-opener, jolt
Shock Noun Synonyms: startle, surprise, stagger, jar, jolt, shake (up), stun, numb, paralyse, daze, stupefy, dumbfound or dumfound, bowl over, appal, astonish, astound, frighten, scare, petrify, traumatize, horrify, outrage, disgust, nauseate, repel, revolt, sicken, upset, di
Shocking Noun Synonyms: surprising, astounding, astonishing, amazing, striking, stupefying, numbing, sudden, unexpected, electrifying, startling, mind-boggling, mind-blowing
Shoddy Noun Synonyms: shabby, tatty, inferior, poor, rubbishy, cheap, pinchbeck, meretricious, tawdry, gaudy, Brummagem, plastic, artificial, tinsel, tinselly, second-rate, trashy, junky, crappy, cheapjack, tacky, chintzy
Shoo Adjective Synonyms: Scat!, Go away!, Away with you!, Be off!, Get out!, Begone!, Get lost!, Beat it!, Scram!
Shoo Away Adjective Synonyms: scare off, frighten away, drive away, force to leave
Shoot Adjective Synonyms: scoot, dart, whisk, speed, bolt, run, race, rush, flash, fly, dash, hurtle, streak, scuttle, bound, leap, spring, zip, whiz
Shoot Interjectionection Synonyms: discharge, fire, open fire, let fly, launch, propel, project, fling, hurl, throw, toss
Shoot Verb Synonyms: wound, hurt, harm, injure, kill, slay, assassinate, execute, fill or pump full of lead, plug, blast, zap, knock off, snuff (out)
Shop Verb Synonyms: store, boutique, department store
Shop For Noun Synonyms: buy, purchase, seek, look for, research
Short Verb Synonyms: laconic, terse, succinct, pithy, sententious, epigrammatic
Short Noun Synonyms: small, little, slight, petite, diminutive, wee, tiny, elfin, minuscule, midget, dwarfish, squat, dumpy, runty, stubby, stunted, pint-sized, knee-high to a grasshopper, sawn-off
Short Adjective Synonyms: direct, straight, straightforward, short and sweet
Short Of Adjective Synonyms: deficient (in), lacking (in), needful (of), wanting, inadequate, shy (of), low (on)
Short-Lived Noun Synonyms: ephemeral, evanescent, temporary, fleeting, transitory, transient, passing, fugacious, volatile
Short-Sighted Adverb Synonyms: near-sighted, myopic, dim-sighted
Short-Staffed Adverb Synonyms: undermanned, short-handed, understaffed
Short-Tempered Adjective Synonyms: testy, irascible, short, curt, abrupt, gruff, peremptory, bluff, rude, tart, acid, acidulous, terse, brusque, crabbed, crabby, irritable, touchy, petulant, peevish, bearish, snappish, waspish, shrewish, curmudgeonly, crusty, surly, discourteous, grouchy,
Short-Winded Adjective Synonyms: short of or out of breath, winded, breathless, panting, huffing (and puffing), gasping (for air or for breath), dyspnoeal
Shortage Adverb Synonyms: deficit, deficiency, shortfall, dearth, scarcity, lack, want, paucity
Shortcoming Noun Synonyms: failure, defect, deficiency, weakness, frailty, drawback, liability, imperfection, weak point, flaw
Shorten Noun Synonyms: cut, curtail, cut off or down or short, reduce, diminish, trim, lop off, dock, prune, hem
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