Set-Up Noun Synonyms: arrangement, system, organization, layout, regime, structure, make-up, composition, framework, frame, construction, conditions, circumstances
Setting Adjective Synonyms: mounting, scenery, background, backdrop, locale, location, surroundings, habitat, home, environs, environment, milieu, frame, context, site, placement, stage set or setting, mise en scŠne, scene
Settle Verb Synonyms: light, alight, land, come down, put down, set down, (come to) rest or (roost), descend, perch
Settle Adjective Synonyms: arrange, order, dispose, organize, straighten out, put in or into order, compose, sort out, classify, coordinate, resolve, set to rights, reconcile
Settle Down Verb Synonyms: calm down, subside, quiet down, be or become tranquil, quieten (down)
Settle Down Noun Synonyms: take up residence, go or come or move to, dwell, reside, make one's home, abide, remain, stay, live, set up home or house,put down roots, locate, inhabit, set up housekeeping, locate
Settle On Noun Synonyms: fix (on), decide (on), establish, appoint, set, confirm, affirm, conclude, make sure or certain (of), determine, agree (upon or on), pick, choose, select
Settle Out Verb Synonyms: gravitate, sink, fall, precipitate (out)
Settle Up Verb Synonyms: pay, square, dispose of, clear, balance, liquidate, discharge
Settlement Noun Synonyms: payment, defrayal, discharge, liquidation, satisfaction, settling, quittance, clearing, clearance
Settlement Verb Synonyms: colony, outpost, post, camp, community, encampment, village, hamlet
Settler Noun Synonyms: colonist, frontiersman, frontierswoman, pioneer, immigrant
Sever Noun Synonyms: cut off or apart or in two, lop or chop or hew or hack off, slice or shear off, cleave, dock, bob, dissever, split, separate, divide, disjoin, detach, disconnect
Several Verb Synonyms: various, sundry, a variety of, diverse, divers, different, respective, individual, distinct, disparate, particular, certain, specific, discrete, dissimilar
Several Noun Synonyms: some, a few, not too or very many, a handful or a sprinkling or a number of
Severe Verb Synonyms: strict, harsh, rigorous, austere, hard, stony, stony-hearted, hard-hearted, flinty, inexorable, iron-handed, oppressive, unbending, rigid, uncompromising, relentless, unyielding, obdurate, pitiless, punitive, merciless, unsympathetic, unfeeling, cruel, br
Severe Adjective Synonyms: stern, forbidding, dour, glowering, grave, grim, stiff, strait-laced, serious, unsmiling, sober, cold, frigid, aloof, austere
Severely Adjective Synonyms: acutely, seriously, badly, dangerously, dreadfully, permanently, fully, entirely
Severely Adverb Synonyms: stringently, punitively, harshly, onerously, grievously, painfully
Severity Noun Synonyms: stringency, punitiveness, punishment, harshness, onerousness, grievousness, painfulness, burdensomeness, oppressiveness
Severity Adverb Synonyms: strictness, harshness, rigour, rigorousness, austerity, hardness, flintiness, inexorability, inexorableness, stringency, oppression, oppressiveness, rigidity, inflexibility, relentlessness, obduracy, obdurateness, pitilessness, mercilessness, cold-blooded
Sew Noun Synonyms: sew up, stitch, darn, mend, repair, sew on, attach, fasten, tack, baste, hem
Sex Noun Synonyms: gender
Sexual Verb Synonyms: sex, reproductive, genital, procreative or procreant, sex, progenitive, propagative
Sexual Noun Synonyms: sensual, sensuous, erotic, carnal, fleshly, voluptuous, libidinous, earthy, bodily, physical, lustful, animal, sexy
Sexy Noun Synonyms: erotic, arousing, exciting, sensual, sensuous, seductive, suggestive, provocative, inviting, alluring, bedroom, flirtatious, appealing, fascinating, striking, tempting, captivating, enchanting, stunning, come-hither
Sexy Adjective Synonyms: sex, dirty, pornographic, obscene, filthy, smutty, lewd, foul, lascivious, indecent, explicit, gross, X-rated, vulgar, rude, coarse, off color, risqué, titillating, bawdy, ribald, lusty, immodest, rough, indelicate, suggestive, unseemly, improper, indecor
Shabby Adjective Synonyms: worn, dingy, faded, worn out, threadbare, tatty, tattered, frayed, raggedy, ragged, scruffy, dilapidated, ratty, dirty, bedraggled, mangy, run-down, seedy, (much) the worse for wear, down at heel, down at the heel(s), grubby, scrubby, gungy
Shack Adjective Synonyms: hut, hovel, shanty, cabin, lean-to, dump
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