Separate Adjective Synonyms: fork, split (up or off), bifurcate, diverge, branch
Separate Verb Synonyms: divided, separated, disjoined, disconnected, detached, isolated, discrete, distinct, individual, independent, solitary, different
Separate Noun Synonyms: disjoin, pull or take or break apart, come or fall apart, fall or take or break to pieces, split or divide or break (up), split or break (off or away), disconnect, disengage, part, partition, sort (out), uncouple, disarticulate, disassemble, unhook, detac
Separately Adjective Synonyms: individually, independently, singly, one by one, one at a time, personally, alone, severally
Separation Adverb Synonyms: disintegration, shattering, break-up, fragmentation, dismemberment, taking or keeping apart, segregation, division, disjoining, disjunction, fission, scission, rupture, schism, splitting, split, fracturing, fracture, break
Separation Adjective Synonyms: rift, break, split, split-up, divorce, break-up, disunion, estrangement
Sepulcher Noun Synonyms: tomb, mausoleum, burial-vault, grave, crypt, pyramid, burial-place
Sequel Noun Synonyms: follow-up, upshot, issue, result, consequence, development, supplement
Sequence Noun Synonyms: succession, progression, order, series, chain, string, course, cycle, arrangement, organization, train, line, set, run, concatenation, system
Sequential Noun Synonyms: successive, ordered, orderly, serial, progressive, organized, systematic, cyclic, continuous
Seraphic Noun Synonyms: angelic, celestial, divine, heavenly, blissful, sublime, empyrean, Elysian, ethereal, holy, saintly, godly
Serene Noun Synonyms: peaceful, tranquil, calm, pacific, peaceable, restful, halcyon, idyllic, bucolic, pastoral, undisturbed, unruffled, imperturbable, unperturbed, untroubled, quiet, still
Serene Adjective Synonyms: calm, cool, collected, placid, composed, self-possessed, poised, unexcitable, even-tempered, temperate, nonchalant, easygoing, cool-headed, easy, unflappable
Serenity Adjective Synonyms: peacefulness, peace, tranquillity, calm, calmness, restfulness, quiet, stillness
Serious Noun Synonyms: grave, important, vital, dangerous, weighty, significant, momentous, crucial, consequential, life-and-death or life-or-death, urgent, pressing, no laughing matter, of consequence or moment or importance
Serious Adjective Synonyms: grave, solemn, earnest, unsmiling, poker-faced, straight-faced, sedate, sober, pensive, thoughtful, humourless, sombre, grim, dour, severe
Seriously Adjective Synonyms: gravely, badly, severely, critically
Sermon Adverb Synonyms: lecture, lesson, preaching, reprimand, reproach, reproof, remonstration, remonstrance, scolding, harangue, talking-to, dressing-down
Serpentine Adverb Synonyms: evil, bad, diabolical, satanic, Mephistophelian, reptilian, devilish, wily, cunning, conniving, sneaky, shrewd, artful, crafty, slick, sly, insidious, shifty, tricky, scheming, plotting, Machiavellian
Serpentine Noun Synonyms: twisting, winding, tortuous, snaking, snakelike, sinuous, anfractuous, roundabout, meandering, ambagious, indirect, devious, crooked, labyrinthine, vermicular, vermiculate, complex, complicated, Byzantine
Serrated Noun Synonyms: sawlike, saw-shaped, sawtoothed, toothed, notched, zigzag, jagged, serrate, serriform, serratiform, serrulate(d), crenellated, crenulate, crenate, denticulate
Serried Adjective Synonyms: ranked, tiered, row on row, ranged, assembled, packed, close, compacted, compact
Servant Adjective Synonyms: domestic (servant), help, retainer, maid, maidservant, parlour-maid, upstairs maid, lady's maid, cleaner, cleaning man, cleaning woman, amah, housekeeper, chatelaine, major-domo, factotum, steward, seneschal, butler, houseman, houseboy, boy, page, valet,
Serve Noun Synonyms: distribute, deal out, dole out, give out, present, set out, provide, supply, offer, pass out or about or around, make available, come (a)round with, dish up or out
Serve Verb Synonyms: be convenient or opportune or favourable (to)
Serve Adjective Synonyms: attend (to), wait on or upon, minister to, look after (the needs of), be at (someone's) beck and call, assist, help, be of assistance or help, be in the service of, oblige, accommodate, gratify
Service Verb Synonyms: help, assistance, aid,efulness, utility, benefit, advantage
Service Noun Synonyms: assignment, post, appointment, secondment
Serviceable Noun Synonyms: workable, working, functional, functioning,able,eful, operative, operating
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