Rouse Noun Synonyms
stir (up), arouse, bestir, stimulate, inspirit, animate, invigorate, electrify, excite, provoke, prompt, goad, prod, galvanize, incite, whet, move, work up, fire up
Bruce's unquenchable enthusiasm roused many to become involved in the campaign.
arouse, call, waken, awaken, wake (up), get up, arise
I was roused from a deep slumber by a dog's barking.
Search Google for Rouse:
Entertainment / Literature / Ridicule: Words designed to arouse laughter and contempt for a person, idea, or institution. The rhetorical goal is to condemn or criticize the object by ridicule by making it seem suitable only for mockery (i. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Anti-Semitic Literature: Literature that vilifies Jews or encourages racist attitudes toward them. Much of the religious literature produced in medieval and Renaissance Europe unfortunately engaged in anti-Semitism to one deg MORE