Rotten Adjective Synonyms
ill, unwell, sick, nauseated, awful, hung-over, lousy, ropy or ropey, rough
I feel really rotten - maybe it was those mushrooms I ate last night.
heinous, evil, vile, base, miserable, despicable, wretched, awful, terrible, horrible, horrific, nasty, contemptible, filthy, mean, low, lousy, stinking, low-down, dirty-rotten
Pairing me off with Vera at the dance was a rotten trick.
Rotten Noun Synonyms
rotted, rusted, corroded, deteriorating, disintegrating, crumbling, crumbly, falling to pieces, friable
He stepped on a spot where the wood was rotten and his foot went right through the stair.
immoral, corrupt, dishonest, deceitful, venal, shameless, degenerate, villainous, iniquitous, evil, wicked, vile, debased, base, perverted, depraved, unscrupulous, unprincipled, amoral, warped, bent
These drug dealers are rotten at the core.
Rotten Verb Synonyms
rotted, decayed, decomposed, decomposing, putrid, putrescent, putrescing, mouldy, mouldering, spoilt or spoiled, mildewed, rancid, fetid or foetid, stale, rank, foul, feculent, tainted, contaminated, festered, festering, corrupt, bad, off, turned, overrip
One rotten apple in the barrel can spoil the rest. The stench of rotten meat filled the room.
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Terrible / Low / Base / Evil / Off / Rough / Foul / Filthy / Ill / Sick / Mean
Life Style / Wine / Puttonyos (Hungary): A 25kg basket used in the harvest of grapes, puttonyos have become a measure of the addition of sweet nobly rotten grapes known as Asz? to Tokay wine. The more puttonyos are added per g?nc of dry wine MORE
Life Style / Wine / Szamoridni (Hungary): A Tokay Szamoridni is one where no distinction has been made between healthy and nobly rotten grapes. They are all fermented together, and as the proportion of the latter grapes is usually small the w MORE
Life Style / Wine / Beerenauslese (Germany, Austria): A Pr?dikat category for sweet wines. A Beerenauslese is made from individually harvested nobly rotten grapes. See also Trockenbeerenauslese and Eiswein. MORE
Life Style / Wine / Aszú Essencia (Hungary): This is a rare wine, made only from the free-run juice of the nobly rotten grapes in the puttonyos baskets. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Abrasive: A very hard, brittle, heat-resistant substance that is used to grind the edges or rough surfaces of an object. boron carbide, diamond, and corundum are abrasives. MORE
Science / Periodic Table of Elements / Sulfur (S): Atomic number: 16, Atomic mass: 32.06 g.mol -1, Electronegativity: 2.5, Density: 2.07 -3 at 20 ?°C, Melting point: 113 ?°C, Boiling point: 445 ?°C, Vanderwaals radius: 0.127 nm, Ionic radius: MORE