Rot Adjective Synonyms
waste away, wither away, languish, die, moulder, decline, deteriorate, degenerate, decay, atrophy
Despite repeated appeals for clemency, he's been rotting away in jail all these years.
decay, decomposition, mould, putrefaction, putrescence, blight, corrosion, corruption, disintegration, deterioration
Once the rot has set in, the job of revitalization can be overwhelming.
Rot Noun Synonyms
decay, decompose, fester, spoil, go bad or off, be tainted, be ruined, mould, moulder, putrefy, corrode, rust, disintegrate, deteriorate, crumble or go or fall to pieces
When the power went off, all the food in the freezer rotted. The piers holding up the far end of the bridge have all rotted away.
Rot Verb Synonyms
(stuff and) nonsense, balderdash, rubbish, bunkum, tommy-rot, twaddle, drivel, hogwash, eyewash, trash, claptrap, bunk, boloney or boloney, bosh, malarkey, moonshine, poppycock, tosh, crap, bull, codswallop, (a load of (old)) cobblers, T
He knows nothing whatsoever about linguistics and is just talking a lot of rot.
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