Reverse Adjective Synonyms
alter, change, modify, renounce, recant, take back
Reverse the polarity of the wiring. I reversed my opinion after hearing her sing.
Reverse Noun Synonyms
invert, overturn, turn upside down, turn topsy-turvy, turn over, up-end, exchange, change, interchange, transpose
Using your finger to keep the mercury from running out, reverse the tube in the dish of mercury. Perhaps the car will start if you reverse the leads to the battery.
opposite, contrary, inverse, converse, inverted, upside down, mirror, reversed, backward
Now try turning the wheel in the reverse direction. What appears on the retina is a reverse image, which the brain inverts.
overturn, overthrow, upset, set aside, quash, override, annul, nullify, vacate, abandon, revoke, negate, veto, declare null and void, disaffirm, invalidate, cancel, repeal, rescind, overrule, countermand, undo
The superior tribunal reversed the decision of the lower-court judge.
Reverse Verb Synonyms
set-back, disappointment, misfortune, reversal, mishap, misadventure, trouble, problem, difficulty, vicissitude, adversity, defeat, disaster, catastrophe, d‚bacle, rout, washout
We suffered a temporary reverse or two in business, but we're all right now. United suffered a humiliating reverse against Wanderers in the cup last week.
back, rear, wrong side, verso, underside, flip side, B-side, tail side
Read what it says on the reverse.
opposite, contrary, converse, antithesis
Whatever she tells you, I suggest you do the reverse.
back up, move or go backwards or also backward, backtrack, make sternway
You will be in the right spot if you reverse a yard or two.
Search Google for Reverse:
Rear / Upset / Rout / Change / Back / Backward / Overturn / Mirror / Exchange / Veto / Trouble
Business / Finance / Reverse Stock Split: A proportionate decrease in the number of shares, but not the total value of shares of stock held by shareholders. Shareholders maintain the same percentage of equity as before the split. For example, MORE
Technology / Email / Reverse DNS: The process in which an IP address is matched correctly to a domain name, instead of a domain name being matched to an IP address. Reverse DNS is a popular method for catching spammers who use invalid MORE
Science / Chemistry / Reverse Osmosis: Solvent molecules flow spontaneously from a dilute solution through a semipermeable membrane to a more concentrated solution (osmosis). In reverse osmosis, pressure is applied to the more concentrated MORE
Business / Debt / Reverse Mortgage: An arrangement in which a homeowner borrows against the equity in his/her home and receives regular monthly tax-free payments from the lender. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Double Reverse: A play in which the ball reverses direction twice behind the line of scrimmage. This is usually accomplished by means of two or three hand-offs, each hand-off going in an opposite direction as the pre MORE