Other Words for Reference

Reference Verb Synonyms
allusion, mention, remark, referral, direction, indication, specification, naming, quotation, citation, note, notation, notification, hint, intimation, innuendo, insinuation
I can't find a reference in any footnote. Few readers make use of the bibliographical references in scholarly articles. Her persistent references to my baldness embarrass me.

endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, certification, credentials
I relied on my former employer to give me a good reference. We shall not be needing to take up your references.

regard, concern, connection, respect, relation, relevance, pertinence
People are selected without reference to race, creed, color, sex, age.

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More Words for Reference

Note / Relation / Mention

Job Reference Immunity Statutes

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Job Reference Immunity Statutes: Laws enacted in several states meant to provide employers with protection from liability when disclosing information regarding current or former employees. Typically for an employer to be immune from MORE

Cargo Preference

Business / Agriculture / Cargo Preference: The Cargo Preference Act (P.L. 83-664) requires that whenever the federal government pays for equipment, material, or commodities shipped to other countries, a minimum percentage of the gross tonnage MORE

Grazing Preference

Business / Agriculture / Grazing Preference: The status of qualified holders of grazing permits acquired by grant, prior use, or purchase, that entitles them to special consideration over applicants who have not acquired preference. MORE

Delusions Of Reference

Science / Psychiatry / Delusions Of Reference: the behaviour of others or objects and event (e.g. television broadcasts) believed to refer to oneself in particular. When similar thoughts are held with less than delusional intensity they are called MORE

Involuntary Liquidation Preference

Business / Finance / Involuntary Liquidation Preference: A premium that must be paid to preferred or preference stockholders if the issuer of the stock is forced into involuntary liquidation. MORE


Technology / Email / Preferences: Options a user can set to determine how they want to receive your messages, how they want to be addresses, to which email address message should go and which messages they want to receive from you. Th MORE