Reasonable Adjective Synonyms
appropriate, suitable, proper, sensible, right
The car was travelling at a reasonable speed, considering conditions.
Reasonable Noun Synonyms
sensible, rational, sane, logical, sober, sound, judicious, wise, intelligent, thinking
I had always thought Philip a reasonable man.
Reasonable Verb Synonyms
credible, believable, plausible, tenable, reasoned, arguable, well-thought-out, well-grounded
Her story about having found the child wandering in the street doesn't sound very reasonable to me.
moderate, tolerable, acceptable, within reason, equitable, fair, inexpensive, unexcessive, unextravagant, economical, conservative
Considering inflation, we thought the price increases were reasonable.
Search Google for Reasonable:
Health / Health Insurance / Reasonable And Customary Fees: The average fee charged by a particular type of health care practitioner within a geographic area. The term is often used by medical plans as the amount of money they will approve for a specific test MORE
Lifestyle / College / Reasonable Academic Progress (RAP): the South Carolina Lottery Tuition Assistance has its own academic progress standards called Reasonable Academic Progress (RAP). Students must satisfy the RAP requirements listed below in order to be MORE
Business / Agriculture / Unreasonable Risk: Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), 'unreasonable adverse effects on the environment means (1) any unreasonable risk to man or the environment, taking into account t MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Reasonable Person Standard: A standard used in sexual harassment suits, referring to conduct or behavior so offensive in nature that any reasonable person, regardless of sex, would agree the conduct or behavior should be illegal MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Reasonable Accommodation: Modifying or adjusting a job process or a work environment to better enable a qualified individual with a disability to be considered for or perform the essential functions of a job. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Certificate Of Reasonable Value (CRV): A certificate insured by the Veterans Administration setting forth a propertys current market value estimate, based on a VA-approved appraisal. The CRV places a ceiling on the amount of a VA-guarantee MORE