Quotation Adjective Synonyms
quote, (bid or asking or offer or market) price, charge, fixed price, rate, cost, value
The quotation for Universal General International stood at 486 pence at the close of the market on Friday.
Quotation Verb Synonyms
quote, passage, citation, reference, allusion, extract, excerpt, selection
For many years Frances collected quotations from the speeches of politicians.
Search Google for Quotation:
Business / Taxes / National Association Of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System (NASDAQ): NASDAQ is a computerized stock trading network that allows brokers to access price quotations for stocks being traded electronically or sold on the floor of a stock exchange. MORE
Business / Finance / National Association Of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System (Nasdaq): An electronic quotation system that provides price quotations to market participants about the more actively traded common stock issues in the OTC market. About 4000 common stock issues are included i MORE
Business / Taxes / Quotation (Quote): On a stock market, a quotation combines the highest bid to buy and the lowest offer to sell a stock. For example, if the quotation on DaveCo stock is '20 to 20.07,' it means that the highest price tha MORE
Business / Finance / European Association Of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (EASDAQ): Stock index, computed by Morgan Stanley Capital International. MORE
Business / Finance / National Quotation Bureau: A service that publishes bid and offer quotes from market makers in OTC transactions. MORE
Business / Finance / Japanese Association Of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System (Jasdaq): Japanese equivalent of Nasdaq. MORE