Quasi Adverb Synonyms
as if, as it were, seemingly, apparently, partly, to some extent, to all intents and purposes, more or less, virtually, almost
Her apology seemed only quasi-sincere to me. His function in the proceedings was quasi-judicial.
Quasi Verb Synonyms
so to speak, kind of, sort of, pretended, fake, pseudo, so-called, supposed, artificial, mock, sham, phony
His quasi excuse does not diminish the horror of what he did.
Search Google for Quasi:
Business / Finance / Quasi-Public Corporation: A corporation that is operated privately, but is supported by the government in its operations and that often traded publicly. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Quasi-Parametric: A type of equalizer. A quasi-parametric (also known as 'semi-parametric') EQ will allow control over the frequency and gain of each band of equalization, but not the number of frequencies controlled ( MORE
Business / Real Estate / Quasi Contract: A contract implied by law, as a matter of equity, when no actual contract exists. MORE
Science / Weather / Quasi-Stationary Front: A front which is nearly stationary or moves very little since the last synoptic position. Also known as a stationary front. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Shear: A quasi-horizontal layer moving at a different velocity relative to the layer directly below and/or above. MORE
Business / Taxes / Fannie Mae: Fannie Mae has a dual role in the US mortgage market. Specifically, the corporation buys mortgages that meet its standards from mortgage lenders around the country. It then packages those loans as deb MORE